Monday, January 19, 2009

A busy week

Today, teachers were in school while the kids got to enjoy some time at home doing what they like. We dicaussed the upcoming building projects and the plans for the summer program. As of today, the plan appears to be that the ESY students will attend the Washington School District's Port Colden school while our school gets it's much needed repairs. This will be an adventure for us all, but many of our students that attend the ESY program will need their parents and teachers to help them with the transition to a new school building. I will keep you and your child up to date with the latest information. When we get closer to the end of the school year, we will work on some social stories and ways to cope with the change of moving to a new school building for the summer.

This week at a glance:
Reading/Language Arts-
Tuesday: Review new spelling words; Use the correct pronouns to replace subject words; Poetry reading; Edmark reading lessons; Writing for meaning
Wednesday: Wilson Reading program; Poetry reading; Edmark lessons; Quick Reads
Thursday: Spelling review; Practice with pronouns; predicate expanders; Quick Reads
Friday: Spelling test; Wilson reading; Writing for Meaning

Tuesday: Rounding whole numbers to the nearest ten and hundred.
Wednesday: Rounding whole numbers to the nearest thousand.
Thursday: More practice with rounding.
Friday: Test on rounding and place value.

Tuesday: Construct water cycle headgear
Wednesday: Make a water cycle in a bag
Thursday: Begin to write "If I were a raindrop..." story books
Friday: Edit first draft of book.

Social Studies:
Tuesday: Put together a timeline of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life.
Wednesday: Finish Lenapae Posters
Thursday: Watch a movie on Lenae Lenape. Decide which part of village each student will focus on. Begin to plan consrtuction of the village.
Friday: Work on Lenape village

Wednesday: Review homework. Answer remaining questions in class.
Thursday: Begin study of Ancient Egypt. Read and answer questions for homework.
Friday: Watch movie on Ancient Egypt.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Trying Something New

It's a new year, so it seems like a good time to start something new. When I started college, the Internet was just becoming popular. Now, I can hardly remember what I ever did without it. Technology is changing so much so quickly.

Blogging has been around for several years. Over the last couple of years, it seems to be becoming increasingly popular and more user friendly. Mr. Maguson has been doing it awhile, and wants the staff at OCS to try this new way of communicating with the world. So here is my shot at beginning to blog.

I am excited to try this out. I will be blogging about the interesting things we are doing in the classroom and any events coming up that will affect the MD class. I look forward to what the new year will bring. See you next blog.

Mrs. P.