Our classes are working on skills to assist with the
NJASK testing just around the corner. I am very proud of my students that are really working to challenge themselves! Also, those students that are participating in the
NJAPA (alternate proficiency assessment) will be completing activities in the next two weeks.
APA binders will be sent to the testing facility by March 4, 2010.
A question about progress report reporting came to my attention recently. Parents were unsure about why their child's progress was marked for the last marking period of the 08-09 school year. Your child's progress is monitored and marked during the reporting time after his/her most recent
IEP takes effect. For instance, if your child's
IEP date was May 09, his/her progress report will reflect progress on the goals in the newest
IEP. The reason it shows on the progress reports for the 09-10 school year is
because we are looking at progress on
IEP goals from implementation, which often doesn't correspond to the traditional school year marking periods due to when
IEP meetings occur. If you have any questions about this process, please call the CST office.