Friday, September 30, 2011

A few things

The end of the first month of school is upon us. Grade progress reports will be going home on Friday, October 7. Next week, some of the students will be working on independent reading packets at home. Others have reading homework packets that address the particular reading skills that need extra practice.

Students continue to learn more about geometry in math class. We are moving on from quadrelaterals to learn more about circles and circumference.

My science students are learning more about earth science. We explored the dirt around us to and will be exploring the effects of erosion and weathering on our planet.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Back to School


We are busy getting used to our schedules and the activities in each class. I will do my best to post the homework on my blog. As you are all aware, my class has many ability and skill levels. The homework will also be leveled and geared to meet each student's needs. There will usually be spelling homework each night. As we move into October, some students will have some independent reading projects he/she will need to work on at home. Others may need to bring home a book at his/her independent reading level and read it to someone at home. Please check your child's agenda book each night to see that what he/she needs to do for the night. I will do my best to check it and sign it each day before the students leave my classroom.

In addition, I have some 7th grade social studies students for ICR. I will be re-wording and typing up much of the homework activities. You child is expected to complete the paper that is sent home each night. Remember, a current event is due EVERY Friday!

If you have any questions, please call, e-mail, or speak to me during back-to school night (Tuesday, September 20)!