Thursday, January 10, 2013

The New Year

Welcome 2013!!!

We have some exciting things to learn about this month.

Science and Social Studies classes are learning about the weather and ways to predict and plan for it. They will also be working on life skills activities such as making snacks and lunches. We will be learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the next week and a half so that we understand the meaning behind why there is no school on his observed birthday.

Language Arts/Reading classes: Students continue to work on writing and reading skills necessary for life.

Math: Some students are working on addition and counting skills. Others are working on understanding place value to then add larger numbers. While others are working on how to use math skills for real life situations.

The 8th graders will be going to the DaVinci center on January 16th to enjoy The Bodies exhibit. I will be joining them in the fun.