Monday, November 12, 2012

Back to business

The students did a nice job returning back to school after our unanticipated break due to the hurricane. We have begun many new things in our classes and I am excited to share them with you.

In Social Studies, the students are continuing to work on their calendars. They are also working on filling out forms. Recently, they filled out a NJ voter registration form.

In Science, the students began a study on the weather. We dabbled a bit with hurricanes, but are now learning about clouds.

In Writing, students finished their fractured fairy tales. They will continue to write each day and refine the skills we have worked through the years.

In Reading, students have begun to study onsets and rimes. They are also beginning a new reading program called Reading Key. I am hoping these skills will help them to become the great readers they have the potential to be.

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